Experience the unique therapeutic method of deep oscillation therapy (Orthoestatic Deep Oscillation Massage) at PhysioWave Marbella, providing:
At PhysioWave Marbella, we offer advanced techniques in aesthetic and innovative medicine treatments, including:
Experience comprehensive therapeutic recovery at PhysioWave Marbella, offering:
Discover the benefits of QMD-cryothermal treatment at PhysioWave Marbella, offering:
Apply controlled pressure to release muscle tension and improve mobility.
Utilize heat therapy to relax muscles and promote circulation.
Use electrical stimulation to enhance healing and reduce pain.
Use of physical methods such as massage, localized treatment, and exercise. Osteopathy: Use of hands to treat your body in a variety of ways, using a mixture of techniques.
Experience the transformative effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy at PhysioWave Marbella, indicated for:
Unlock the power of rapid healing with our high-power laser therapy, indicated for: